Approved organisations
Non-governmental organisations on a European scale that have an interest in inland navigation may obtain the status of “approved organisation”, as defined in a resolution adopted in 2001.
This status enables them to participate in the CCNR’s working parties and other activities, and gives them access to the CCNR’s working documents. The approved organisations are not only consulted regularly; they are also encouraged to submit their problems and their proposals to the CCNR.
Currently, the following organisations have been approved:
- ESO European Skippers’ Organisation
- EBU European Barge Union
- VBW Association for inland navigation and navigable waterways in Europe
- EFIP European Federation of Inland Ports
- UECC Union of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council
- FETSA Federation of European Tank Storage Associations
- IACS International Association of Classification Societies Ltd.
- EUROMOT European Association of Internal Combustion Engine and Alternative Powertrain Manufacturers
- ETF European Transport Workers Federation
- SEA Europe Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association
- Fuels Europe
- PIANC World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure
- AQUAPOL International police cooperation on the water
- EDINNA Education in Inland Navigation
- EBI European Boating Industry
- EBA European Boating Association
- CEMT Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies
- CTIF International Association of Fire and Rescue Services
These organisations are presented here.