EBU celebrates its 10th anniversary at CCNR headquarters


To mark its tenth anniversary, the European Barge Union (EBU) held its annual seminar on 17 January in Strasbourg, at the headquarters of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine.

The event brought together representatives of the inland navigation profession in Europe, CCNR, and the European Commission, with addresses by EBU President Mr André Auderset, CCNR President Ms Edwige Belliard, and European Commission Vice-President Mr Siim Kallas.

“Sailing Ahead” was the title chosen for the seminar. The various speakers were unanimous in emphasising the need to work together on strengthening the competitivity of inland navigation as a mode of transport. Mr Auderset hailed the agreement that had been reached on working hours as part of the social dialogue. Mr Kallas stressed the need to strengthen the “green” dimension of inland navigation and for better coordination among the various institutions with responsibility for promoting inland navigation in Europe. In her address, Ms Belliard, CCNR’s newly appointed President, also emphasised the importance of cooperation among the various parties concerned, and recalled that the CCNR was particularly keen to reinforce this cooperation, especially with the European Commission, so that what was achieved with respect to the Rhine might benefit European navigation as a whole. Ms Belliard made particular reference to the vast subject of modernising the system of qualifications for people working in inland navigation, especially the increasingly frequent use of modern instruments such as simulators, a project which will call for the close cooperation of all the partners.

(Photo: Ms Edwige Belliard, CCNR President, Mr André Auderset, EBU President, and Mr Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport, at the EBU “Sailing Ahead” seminar on 17 January in Strasbourg, at CCNR headquarters in the Palais du Rhin )

The addresses given at the EBU 10th anniversary seminar entitled “Sailing Ahead” are available below.

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